Malabar Farm Spinning & Weaving Guild moves into a new home and celebrates 30 years in 2021.
Just in time for their thirtieth-anniversary celebration, the Malabar Farm Spinning and Weaving Guild is realizing their long-time dream of settling into their own home. The over sixty-five members in forty-eight households make up the fiber arts group which shared a basement with farm staff since its founding many years ago. Over three years ago when the Hostel closed, guild members approached park management requesting to move into the empty 1919 Sears Roebuck Catalog house, once the Berry home. The Berry house also served as the temporary home of the Bromfield family while the Big House was under construction. The second floor of the home serves as the Malabar Farm Foundation office.
Getting Ready
Over the years, guild members cleaned out the house and property anticipating an invitation to move. In 2019, the ODNR made major investments in the Berry house. An assessment called for eradicating bats, a new roof and soffit replacement, painting inside and out, new windows, and other revamping and repair projects.
While finishing the repairs, state representatives presented a proposed lease to the Guild board for consideration. Negotiations were finalized in September, and guild members started packing. By late October members and volunteers had all their treasures moved across Bromfield road.
More Room for Projects
Ten weaving looms and material storage will grace the basement. The first/main floor will offer a retail area, rotating demonstrations featuring different types of fiber work, a member meeting work area, fiber prep and spinning corner, business office, library, sewing room, kitchen, and dining area. Every inch will have multiple uses. In warmer months, members may be found on the porch or under a tree enjoying their craft. While the second/ upstairs floor will serve as the Malabar Farm Foundation’s office, conference room, and online store inventory storage.
Members are dedicated to preserving and teaching fiber arts. They enjoy quilting, sewing, knitting, crocheting, rug hooking, embroidery, basketry, rug braiding, needle felting, and papercrafts, along with spinning and weaving. The membership includes children all the way up to those in their nineties. There are many men who are active participants.
Volunteer Work and Community
Besides the educational component, generous hands create hundreds of projects for Hospice, veterans, the homeless, chemo patients, challenged children in summer camps, and nursing homes.
The new year will slowly bring our world back to normal. In their new home classes will be offered in various disciplines. There will be demonstrations during park events for the public. Regular hours for visiting and contacts are listed below. Please stop in and see what the guild is all about!
Article by Victoria Cochran
The Berry House as it appears today
Photo 2020Community Charity Projects Mary Bromfield sitting in front of the Berry House with Hope and Ellen Photo 1938