Contact Us & Copyrights
Bromfield’s Works
1. Are Bromfield’s works under copyright?
Yes, copyright is the legal term used to declare and prove who owns the intellectual property. This means that you cannot use any of the works or create derivative works from any intellectual property created by Louis Bromfield without written permission. Malabar Farm Foundation, Inc. owns the copyrights to all intellectual properties created by Louis Bromfield.
2. Who do I contact for permission to quote or excerpt from any of his writings?
The Malabar Farm Foundation owns the intellectual properties on all published and unpublished works of Louis Bromfield.
The Malabar Farm Foundation issues licensing for their uses of copyrighted materials, for which it owns the intellectual properties. Licensing is the legal term used to describe the terms under which people are allowed to use the copyrighted material.
Requests and inquiries should be directed to the Foundation using the following contact information:
The Malabar Farm Foundation business office is located on the second floor of the old Berry House at 3954 Bromfield Road; Lucas, OH 44843 all inquiries should be sent to our Post Office Box address below.
Malabar Farm Foundation, Inc.
Attn: Copyright & License
P.O. Box 551
Lucas, OH 44843
Phone: (419) 892-2784